San Ramon Valley High School

SRVHS Construction » Construction Project 2016-19

Construction Project 2016-19


Dear Community Members,

As you may be aware, we will be embarking on a construction journey in the Spring of this year!

Below is a list of the details and parameters that have been defined. Many other items are still in the discussion phase and we will be getting more information as we go.

  1. The following wings are being demolished during the summer of 2016: A, B, C, E, F, G, J, K.
  2. The following wings will remain in place during construction for the purpose of interim housing: R, L, I and P.
  3. Nothing will happen to S wing, the CTE building or H wing during construction. The Commons building, PAC, and gyms will not be touched.
  4. Starting on March 1st, the practice field will close and work will begin on laying water, power and other utilities. Once this is complete, the field will be covered in tarmac and sealed.
  5. In April, it is likely that the portable classrooms will be arriving and being installed. Once they are situated and keys are available, staff will be able to start moving items into the portables. I will be working with Department Leaders on which portables each department/staff will be occupying. The goal is to cluster departments in order to create a sense of community in portable city!
  6. At some point between April and August 1st, technology will be installed in each portable.
  7. Between June 10th (graduation) and August 1st, teams from the facilities department will be moving furniture from classrooms to the portables. This 6-7 week window when staff are out for the summer will be when most of the moving will happen. We will be asking teachers to map out where the furniture will go in their portable so that it can be placed properly during the summer.
  8. From August 1st-August 12th (the two weeks before school starts) final touches will be put to the portables as staff return from the summer. Teachers will be encouraged to use their work day early in those two weeks and set up an appointment with Evan to ensure that all technology is functional.
  9. There is considerable support from the district available for those teachers that are moving. If you need something - just ask!
  10. There won’t be any lockers on the practice field for students, just those in D hall. This will present an issue in terms of students bringing text books to school/class. This is a discussion item for departments/Staff Senate during the Spring.