San Ramon Valley High School

Tim Stevens
Mr. Stevens—Fall Semester 2013
Course Description
Economics is the study of how we as individuals and society make choices. Understanding the basic economic perspective will lead you to make better decisions in the future. Along with that basic economic perspective, we will apply it to the world around us, examining our economic system, as well as the growing global economy.
1. Basic economic concepts
2. Supply and demand
3. Personal finance and the stock market
4. Markets and Labor
5. Government and the economy
Grading—Grades will be determined based on the following percentages. Grades are automatically rounded to the nearest whole percent. All grades posted online will reflect this. No grade changes will be made after grades have been posted at the end of the semester.
1. Grading Scale
100-93=A 89-87%=B+ 79-77=C+ 69-67=D+ 59 and
92-90%=A- 86-83%=B 76-73=C 66-63=D Below=F
82-80%=B- 72-70=C- 62-60=D-
2. Tests and Quizzes: 35%-- Throughout the semester, assessment is necessary to see what students have learned. Assessment comes primarily in the form of tests and quizzes. There will be a weekly Friday quiz covering material discussed during the week.
3. Projects: 25%--Projects focus on applying the content presented in class to a problem. Using those concepts, students are expected to come up with the best solution they can for the problem. There will also be a major individual project relating to the stock market. All class projects are due by the specified date and time the teacher provides. Late projects will be given an automatic 10% deduction for ALL members of the group.
4. Homework: 20%-- Students are expected to read and respond from their assigned textbook as well as online articles. Homework will be stamped on date it is due. There should be no excuses for missing work. All assignments are on course website. Homework will be collected in a packet at the end of each unit on the day of the unit exam. Work not turned in on exam day will not be accepted.
5. Final Exam: 10%--Cumulative final exam covering the entire semester. Final exam prep will begin one week before the final exam date.
6. Participation: 10%--Students are expected to be active participants in the classroom. Just showing up is not enough. That will get you a C at best for participation. Participation includes being in class on time, having all materials present when requested, and listening to other students while they speak.
Make-ups: In the event that a student is absent the day of a quiz or test, a 0 will be entered in the student’s grade until a makeup is completed. Students have one week to make up an exam or quiz. Failure to do so will result in a zero remaining on their grade.
• Attendance—School attendance policy will be enforced. Your first tardy will be a warning, any tardy thereafter will result in a detention. Three tardies equals one cut. Three cuts will result in a drop from the class with an F.
• NO FOOD OR DRINK IN THE ROOM! Failure to follow this rule will result in a detention or other consequence, such as cleaning the room at break or lunch. I will take and throw away anything that is not water. Don’t bring it in the room.
• ALL electronic devices should be away and off while in the class. These items are not to be visible in class. A ringing or vibrating phone is considered visible in the class. Use of any of these items will result in the being taken away for the remainder of the day. The second time it is taken away it will be sent to the appropriate administrator.
Course Materials
1. Clayton, Gary E. Ph.d. Economics: Principles and Practices. New York: Glencoe 2005.
2. A three ring binder divided into five sections: Tests and Quizzes, Homework, Class Notes, and Projects. Binders will be checked periodically and given points for organization.
3. Pens (blue or black) and pencils (you will need both)
4. Paper (college rule)
5. Basic Calculator
Cheating and Plagiarism
Any student caught cheating on an exam will be given an automatic F for that exam and may be punished according to school policy. If the student is caught a second time, they will be dropped from the class with an F. Plagiarism is not accepted in this class. Any student caught plagiarizing will be subject to the consequences established by the school.

Tim Stevens
Teacher, Social Studies
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