Reporting Student Absence
Student Absence Reporting
Full Day (recorder)
Partial Day ~ ~ ~
Main Campus Number
Students and their parents are responsible for attendance. Parents should be aware of the revenue loss to the district due to prolonged or frequent illegal absences. Parents and students should be aware of the attendance policy and adhere to the attendance rules and regulations. Students shall attend and be punctual to all classes and activities to which they are assigned.
Absences and tardies are detrimental to a student's learning and increase the possibility of failure. The following policies and procedures are designed to prevent these occurrences and increase every student's chances for success.
All absences must be cleared within 48 hours and must be legal as defined in the next column.
Partial Day Absences (When Arriving Late)
When arriving late the absence must be cleared within 48 hours by the parent/guardian by calling , , or . Students need to sign-in at the
Attendance Office.
Leaving During the School Day
Whenever possible, appointments should be made outside of school hours.
Legal Absences
Illegal Absences (CUTS)
Unexcused Absences
MAKEUP WORK - Legal Absences: Students must make arrangements with teachers to make up work due to legal absences. Make up policies may vary from teacher to teacher.
Illegal Absences–Consequences
Illegal absences (cuts) will result in the following consequences:
Students may not make up work for Illegal Absences.
Repeated truancy will result in referral to the Student Attendance Review Board and may also result in revocation of the privilege to participate in extracurricular activities.
Credit Denial Appeal: A parent and a student may appeal the decision to deny credit in a course. The parent must contact the principal within 48 hours of the credit denial notification to arrange an appeal hearing. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 classes to remain at San Ramon Valley High School.
Administrative "Clear"
The administration will allow one (1) procedural clearance per year (to cover one consecutive absence only). Parents must please put the request in writing via email to the appropriate assistant principal for consideration. Clears are not guaranteed.
Pre-Informed Absences
WHENEVER POSSIBLE, VACATIONS SHOULD BE PLANNED DURING SCHOOL BREAKS. For trips, college visits, or other anticipated absences a parent may request a preinformed (independent study) contract. Independent study contracts must be requested by phone 5 days prior to the absence. Contracts are available for a minimum of 5 days of absence but are not to exceed 10 days of absence. The contract 8 must be picked up a minimum of 3 days prior to the absence.
The contract must be signed by the parent and teachers and returned to the Attendance Office before leaving school the day before the absence begins. The rules of the contract must be followed or no credit will be given and the days absent will be
Tardies interrupt the classroom environment and interfere with the learning of other students.