San Ramon Valley High School

About » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is San Ramon Valley High School located?
We are located at 501 Danville Blvd. in Danville, California 94526. You can contact the school at or fax us at .
How do I get there?
Exit 680 at El Cerro, west. Continue on until it dead ends and turn left at Danville Blvd. Continue a quarter of a mile. You will see the campus on your right.
What is the school ID number?
San Ramon Valley High School code -- 050725
What should I do if I forget my password?
All passwords are given out at the beginning of the school year and changed throughout the year for security purposes. If you forget your password, you will need to contact a member of the Technology Team for a new one. Chad Cochran - or Muralia Cummaragunta-
How do I report my student's absence?
To report a full day absence, call and leave a message on the recorder at . For a partial day absence, call (student last names A-Go), (student last names Gr-Pa), or (student last names Pe-Z).
How do I get a copy of my transcript?

1. If you are a current student please come to the counseling office and see the Registrar.  An official copy will be printed while you wait.  If an unofficial copy will do, you can print it out from the Parent Portal.

2.     If you are an alumni, you can either:

a)     Email the Registrar, Barbara Murray, at [email protected] and include your name (specify name used at SRVHS), date of graduation, and birthdate.  Include the address for mailing or say, “Attach to a reply email.”  (an attached transcript will be unofficial), or

b)     Mail a written request to SRVHS with your name (specify name used at SRVHS), date of graduation, birthdate, and where you want it sent.  Enclose an addressed, stamped, legal-sized envelope.

Allow 2-3 days for processing.


SAT & ACT scores are not recorded on the transcript. You can get that information through  If mailing your request for a transcript, our address is San Ramon Valley High School, Attn: Barbara Murray, 501 Danville Blvd., Danville, CA 94526.

How can you sign up for SAT?
The sign ups for the SAT and ACT tests are online. For SAT go to For ACT go to  Students should come in to the career center for more information and to check out the preparation books we have for the tests.
Bus Passes
Bus Passes for the County Connection can be purchased in Danville at the two locations listed below:
Community Center
420 Front Street
M-F 8:30am - 5:00pm
Tickets Available: Monthly, R12, DS
650 San Ramon Valley Blvd (mailing center)
M-Sat. 7:00am - 12:00pm, Sun 8:00am - 12:00pm
Tickets Available: Monthly, R12, DS
Online Meal Payment Plan
The San Ramon Valley Unified School District is excited to announce a new way to pay for school meals; it's called MealTime On-line. You can now make secure online payments into your student's school meal account, as well as view all of your student's transactions and balance 24-hours a day. For your protection, the MealTime Online payment website uses the most up-to-date security components available in the banking industry; all data transmitted is encrypted and authenticated every time you use the website. Your credit card information is used only to process your deposit and is never stored on any website computer. For each deposit you make you will receive an on-screen receipt to print out as well as an email to verify the deposit. Click here for more information.