Transcript Request
Email and include the following information in the message:
Full Name: (remember to include the name you used while in high school)
Year of Graduation:
To be Sent to the Following Address(es):
(Transcripts sent via email in .pdf format are unofficial; ones that are mailed are official.)
Ordering Fall/Initial Transcripts (Use Naviance):
- Login to Naviance.
- Go to “Colleges” tab and click on “Colleges I’m Applying To.
- Add colleges by clicking on “Add to this List.
- To order a transcript check the box “Request Transcript” when selecting the college. OR, if you’ve already added the college and now want to order a transcript, click on the “Request Transcripts” link at the top of your list of colleges and check the “Add Request” box next to that college.
Ordering Midyear Transcripts: (Do Not Use Naviance)
- Determine which colleges want midyear (aka 7th semester) transcripts by checking your colleges’ portal accounts. *Note: Most Common App (CA) colleges want a midyear transcript.
- Come to the Registrar’s Office and fill out a Midyear Transcript Request form.
- Hand it to the Registrar and she will send it electronically or, by mail if need be.
Ordering FINAL Transcripts (Use Naviance):
Take the Senior Graduation Survey and be sure to check the box “Request Final Transcript” next to the college you’ll be attending. Check the “Transcripts” page under the “Colleges” tab in Naviance for confirmation your transcript was sent.
Final Transcript Confirmation
- To determine whether you submitted a final transcript request, please go to your Naviance account. Click on the "Colleges" tab and on the left-hand column select "Transcripts." Then choose "View the status of my transcript requests."
- Under the FINAL column, if you requested a final transcript, you will see "requested." If you see a date, then your final transcript was sent on that day.
- If you discover you have not requested a final transcript, (i.e. have no “requested” or “date” in the FINAL column), then do so by emailing Mrs. Murray at . Include your name and the name of the college where you want the transcript sent.
If you need a transcript sent to the NCAA, add the request to your Naviance account under "Colleges I'm Applying To." Email the Registrar and ask to have your transcript electronically uploaded to the NCAA. Check your NCAA account for confirmation your transcript was received.
- For current students, please use the Parent / Student Portal
Print an unofficial transcript from home by using your parent or student portals. Go to the home page, click on the Infinite Campus link and login. Click on REPORTS and select Portal Transcript.
- For alumni, request an unofficial transcript in .pdf format by emailing the Registrar at [email protected].